Wednesday, October 23, 2013


(This originally appeared in Tom Gill Predicts Volume 15, No. 13, October 1, 2000, 
from material forwarded by Alex Cooke):

Never kick a fresh cow chip on a hot day.

There's two theories to arguin' with a woman.  Neither one works.

Don't worry about bitin' off more than you can chew.  Your mouth is
probably a whole lot bigger'n you think.

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin'
somebody else's dog around.

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

It don't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.

Never ask a barber if he thinks you need a haircut.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to
make sure it's still there.

When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson.

Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back.

The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in
your pocket.

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


This week we revisit and modify Tom Gill Predicts Vol. 15 #2, from September 10, 2000,
based on material forwarded by Alice Gomez.
Top 10 Signs That You've Signed Up For A Really Cheap Obamacare Plan
 10. Annual breast exam conducted at Hooters.
 9. Directions to your doctor's office include, "Take a left when you enter 
 the trailer park."
 8. Tongue depressors taste faintly of Fudgesicle.
 7. Only proctologist in the plan is "Gus" from Roto-Rooter.
 6. Only item listed under Preventive Care coverage is "an apple a day."
 5. Your "primary care physician" is wearing the pants you gave to Goodwill 
 last month.
 4. "Patient responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges" is not a typo.
 3. The only expense covered 100% is embalming.
 2. With your last health care plan, the anti-depressant pills didn't come in different colors with 
 little m's on them.
 1. When you ask for Viagra, you get a Popsicle stick and duct tape.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

What Cartoon Character Are You?

reprinted from TOM GILL PREDICTS-  Volume Fifteen, Number Thirty

 Cartoon Character Test
 Ever wondered which cartoon character you are most like? Well, a team
 of researchers got together and analyzed the personalities of cartoon
 characters, and put the information gathered into this quiz. Answer
 each question with the answer that most describes you, then add up the
 points that correspond with your answer. 
 1)  What describes your perfect date?
 a)  Candlelight dinner for two
 b)  Amusement Park
 c)  Rollerblading in the park
 d)  Rock Concert
 e)  See a movie
 2)  What type of music do you most prefer from the list below?
 a)  Heavy Metal/ Hard Rock
 b)  Alternative
 c)  Soft Rock/ Easy Listening
 d)  Classical
 e)  Pop/ Dance
 3)  What type of movie do you most prefer from the list below?
 a)  Comedy
 b)  Horror
 c)  Musical
 d)  Romance
 e)  Documentary
 4)  Which of the following jobs would you choose if you were given only
 these choices?
 a)  Waiter/Waitress
 b)  Sports Player
 c)  Teacher
 d)  Policeman
 e)  Bartender
 5)  Which would you rather do if you had an hour to waste?
 a)  work out
 b)  Read
 c)  Watch TV
 d)  Listen to music
 e)  Sleep
 6)  Of the following colors, which do you like the best?
 a)  yellow
 b)  white
 c)  sky blue
 d)  teal
 e)  red
 7)  Which one of the following would you most like to eat right now?
 a)  ice cream
 b)  pizza
 c)  sushi
 d)  pasta
 e)  salad
 8)  What is your favorite holiday from the list below?
 a)  Halloween
 b)  Christmas
 c)  New Year's
 d)  Valentine's Day
 e)  Thanksgiving
 9)  If you could go to any of the following places, which would it be?
 a)  Paris
 b)  Spain
 c)  Las Vegas
 d)  Hawaii
 e)  Hollywood
 10) Of the following, who would you rather spend time with?
 a)  Someone who is smart
 b)  Someone with good looks
 c)  Someone who is a party animal
 d)  Someone who has fun all the time
 e)  Someone who is very emotional
 Now total up your points and find your character below:
 1-          2-          3-           4-          5-
 a 4         a 2         a 2          a 4         a 5
 b 2         b 1         b 1          b 5         b 4
 c 5         c 4         c 3          c 3         c 2
 d 1         d 5         d 4          d 2         d 1
 e 3         e 3         e 5          e 1         e 3
 6-          7-          8-          9-            10-
 a 1         a 3         a 1         a 4           a 5
 b 5         b 2         b 3         b 5           b 2
 c 3         c 1         c 2         c 1           c 1
 d 2         d 4         d 4         d 2           d 3
 e 4         e 5         e 5         e 3           e 4
 (10-17 points): You are TAZ
 You are wild and crazy and you know it. You know how to have fun, but
 you may take it to extremes. You know what you are doing though, and are
 much in control of your own life. People don't always see things your
 way, but that doesn't mean that you should do away with your beliefs.
 Try to remember that your wild spirit can lead to hurting yourself and
 (18-26 points) You are Bugs Bunny
 You are fun, friendly, and popular. You are a real crowd pleaser. You
 have probably been out on the town your share of times, yet you come
 home with the values that your mother taught you. Marriage and children
 are important to you, but only after you have fun. Don't let the people
 you please influence you to stray.
 (27-34 points) You are Tweety
 You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that no one
 takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and seldom have
 your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are witty, and calm most
 of the time. Just keep clear of backstabbers, and you are worryfree.
 (35-42 points) You are Peppe Le Pew (without the smell)
 You are a lover. Romance, flowers, and wine are all you need to enjoy
 yourself. You are serious about all commitments. A family person. You
 call your Mom every Sunday, and never forget a Birthday.  Don't let your
 passion for romance get confused with the real thing.
 (43-50 points) You are Speedy Gonzales
 You are smart, a real thinker. Every situation is approached with a
 plan. You are very healthy in mind and body. You teach strong family
 values.  Keep your feet planted in them, but don't overlook a bad
 situation when it does happen.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Cartoon Laws of Physics

Reprinted from TOM GILL PREDICTS-  Volume Fifteen, Number Twenty-Seven
Allegedly first seen in: "keepAhead with The Twisted Straw" on 17 Apr 2000


Cartoon Law I

Any body suspended in space will remain in space until made aware of its

Daffy Duck steps off a cliff, expecting further pastureland. He loiters in
midair, soliloquizing flippantly, until he chances to look down. At this
point, the familiar principle of 32 feet per second takes over.

Cartoon Law II

Any body in motion will tend to remain in motion until solid matter
intervenes suddenly.

Whether shot from a cannon or in hot pursuit on foot, cartoon characters
are so absolute in their momentum that only a telephone pole or an outsize
boulder retards their forward motion absolutely. Sir Isaac Newton called
this sudden termination of motion the stooge's surcease.

Cartoon Law III

Any body passing through solid matter will leave a perforation conforming
to its perimeter.

Also called the silhouette of passage, this phenomenon is the speciality of
victims of directed-pressure explosions and of reckless cowards who are so
eager to escape that they exit directly through the wall of a house,
leaving a cookie-cutout-perfect hole. The threat of skunks or matrimony
often catalyzes this reaction.

Cartoon Law IV

The time required for an object to fall twenty stories is greater than or
equal to the time it takes for whoever knocked it off the ledge to spiral
down twenty flights to attempt to capture it unbroken.

Such an object is inevitably priceless, the attempt to capture it
inevitably unsuccessful.

Cartoon Law V

All principles of gravity are negated by fear.

Psychic forces are sufficient in most bodies for a shock to propel them
directly away from the earth's surface. A spooky noise or an adversary's
signature sound will induce motion upward, usually to the cradle of a
chandelier, a treetop, or the crest of a flagpole. The feet of a character
who is running or the wheels of a speeding auto need never touch the
ground, especially when in flight.

As one Bugs Bunny cartoon demonstrated, air brakes can stop a plummeting 
airplane from smashing into the ground. 

Cartoon Law VI

As speed increases, objects can be in several places at once.

This is particularly true of tooth-and-claw fights, in which a character's
head may be glimpsed emerging from the cloud of altercation at several
places simultaneously. This effect is common as well among bodies that are
spinning or being throttled. A `wacky' character has the option of
self-replication only at manic high speeds and may ricochet off walls to
achieve the velocity required.

Cartoon Law VII

Certain bodies can pass through solid walls painted to resemble tunnel
entrances; others cannot.

This trompe l'oeil inconsistency has baffled generations, but at least it
is known that whoever paints an entrance on a wall's surface to trick an
opponent will be unable to pursue him into this theoretical space. The
painter is flattened against the wall when he attempts to follow into the

This is ultimately a problem of art, not of science.

Cartoon Law VIII

Any violent rearrangement of feline matter is impermanent.
Cartoon cats possess even more deaths than the traditional nine lives,
might comfortably afford. They can be decimated, spliced,splayed,
accordion-pleated, spindled, or disassembled, but they cannot be destroyed.
After a few moments of blinking self pity, they reinflate, elongate, snap
back, or solidify.

Corollary: A cat will assume the shape of its container.

Cartoon Law IX

Everything falls faster than an anvil.

Cartoon Law X

For every vengeance there is an equal and opposite revengeance.

This is the one law of animated cartoon motion that also applies to the
physical world at large. For that reason, we need the relief of watching it
happen to a duck instead.

Cartoon Law Amendment A

A sharp object will always propel a character upward.
When poked (usually in the buttocks) with a sharp object (usually a pin), a
character will defy gravity by shooting straight up, with great velocity.

Cartoon Law Amendment B

The laws of object permanence are nullified for "cool" characters.

Characters who are intended to be "cool" can make previously nonexistent
objects appear from behind their backs at will. For instance, the Road
Runner can materialize signs to express himself without speaking.

Cartoon Law Amendment C

Explosive weapons cannot cause fatal injuries.
They merely turn characters temporarily black and smoky.

Amendment C subset 1: A finger stuck in the barrel of a rifle or a shotgun 
will stop the projectiles and gases, causing the weapon to explode in the 
face of the shooter while leaving the finger sticking character unharmed.

Cartoon Law Amendment D

Gravity is transmitted by slow-moving waves of large wavelengths.

Their operation can be wittnessed by observing the behavior of a canine
suspended over a large vertical drop. Its feet will begin to fall first,
causing its legs to stretch. As the wave reaches its torso, that part will
begin to fall, causing the neck to strech. As the head begins to fall,
tension is released and the canine will resume its regular proportions
until such time as it strikes the ground.

Cartoon Law Amendment E

Dynamite is spontaneously generated in "C-spaces" (spaces in which cartoon
laws hold).

The process is analogous to steady-state theories of the universe which
postulated that the tensions involved in maintaining a space would cause
the creation of hydrogen from nothing. Dynamite quanta are quite large
(stick sized) and unstable (lit). Such quanta are attracted to psychic
forces generated by feelings of distress in "cool" characters (see
Amendment B, which may be a special case of this law), who are able to use
said quanta to their advantage. One may imagine C-spaces where all matter
and energy result from primal masses of dynamite exploding. A big bang