Saturday, December 19, 2015


How to Spot Someone RAISED by a Geologist

*Wears socks with sandals despite knowing that it is highly un-cool (and still feels cool doing it).
*Could spot a sinkhole at age 5 and explain what it was to all her friends.
*Writes down "spelunking" as possible romantic getaway.
*Helped gather fossils in roadside highway cuts as a fun family outing.
*Someone who went ballistic when father burnt "Chunk of Coal Present" in the fireplace.
*Someone who, despite not being a geologist, has core samples lurking around the house.
*A person who stares at road cuts and wonders why the rocks look all ribbon-y...remembers to ask parent for answer.
*Wrecks trying to look at ribbon-y rocks despite the fact that a closer look wouldn't shed light on the answer.
*Most of childhood artwork is done on the backs of discarded seismic data print-offs.
*Despite not being able to spell most words..can remember how to spell "seismic".
*Edited shot gathers as a form of entertainment...before entering middle-school.
*Understood more scientific nerd humor than "Knock Knock Jokes", growing up.  "A group of Hydrogen are floating around when one says, "I just lost my electron."  Another hydrogen asks, "Are you sure?"      The Hydrogen replies, "I'm positive."  Har Har Har
*Can look at all the "How to Spot a Geologist" lines and picture a person or event that it pertains to.

*Is named after geological rock formation...

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