Thursday, December 26, 2019


“What can’t possibly happen, happens. And what should be happening, doesn’t. There’s no middle ground.” - Songwriter Allee Willis, who passed away on Christmas Eve 2019:
Allee Willis, ‘September’ and ‘Friends’ Theme Songwriter, Dead at 72

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gazzaniga's Law

"There's nothing worse than a motivated brick." 
- Matt Gazzaniga, the father of cognitive neuroscience, in regard to persons who are highly motivated but have no talent, stated during a radio interview with Ian Punnett on December 10, 2011.

Saturday, December 14, 2019


"Fact: Important work is often done by unpleasant people."-Theo Stromberg, in the novel Last Year by Robert Charles Wilson.

Sunday, December 8, 2019


"(in Washington), there is no problem so large it can't be solved by another meeting."
-former FEMA administrator Craig Fugate, on the Wx Geeks Podcast 6/20/2018

Friday, November 29, 2019


"When you flush a toilet, the loudest noise is the final gurgle."- author John Hogue,  Aug. 1, 2012

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Earl Wiener, a cult figure in aviation safety, coined what is known as Wiener’s Laws of aviation and human error. One of them was: “Digital devices tune out small errors while creating opportunities for large errors.” We might rephrase it as: “Automation will routinely tidy up ordinary messes, but occasionally create an extraordinary mess.” It is an insight that applies far beyond aviation.  
- from an article by Tim Harford in The Guardian (Oct. 11, 2016)

Harford's Corollary: A computer that is a hundred times more accurate than a human, and a million times faster, will make 10,000 times as many mistakes.  (Tim Harford, author of article)

Thomas E. Gill, Ph.D., P.G.
Professor of Geological Sciences and Environmental Science & Engineering
University of Texas, El Paso- Geological Sciences Building 401A
591 W. University Avenue
El Paso, TX 79968-0555
tel. 915 747 5168
Personal URL:

From: Gill, Thomas E.
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2016 11:14 AM
To: Gill, Thomas E.
Subject: Weiner's Law of Aviation Safety

Saturday, November 16, 2019


When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.- Arthur C. Clarke

Friday, November 8, 2019

What Am I Missing?

There is a local attorney who is quite aggressive in advertising his web site, "Hit By A Truck, Call Chuck, dot com"
I'm wondering what is next. What am I missing here?
Hit By A Plane, Call Jane?
Hit By A Tram, Call Sam?
Hit By A Canoe, Call Stu?
Hit By A Barge, Call Marge?
Hit By A Van, Call Stan?
Hit By A Bus, Call Gus?
Hit By A Dolly, Call Rollie?
Hit By A Skiff, Call Biff?
Hit By A Tank, Call Frank?
Hit By A Trailer, Call Taylor?
Hit By A Ferry, Call Kerry?
Hit By A Ship, Call Rip?
Hit By A Tug, Call Doug?
Hit By A Trolley, Call Dolly?
Hit By A Cart, Call Bart?
Hit By A Scooter, Call Cooter?
Hit By A Bike, Call Mike?
Hit By A Ski, Call Lee?
Hit By A Raft, Call Taft?
Hit By A Subway, Call Sunay?
Hit By A Jet-Ski, Call Betsy?
Hit By A Yacht, Call Dot?
Hit By A Tube, Call Rube?
Hit By A Taxi, Call Maxie?
Hit By A Chariot, Call Harriet?
Hit By A Wheel, Call Neil?
Hit By A Sled, Call Fred?
Hit By A Sleigh, Call Ray?
Hit By A Surrey, Call Murray?
Hit By A Jet, Call Chet?

Saturday, November 2, 2019


"In the intensive care unit, good things happen slowly.   Bad things happen fast." [Told to him by a doctor, became the title of a book] Good Things Happen Slowly: A Life In and Out of Jazz, by Fred Hersch

Friday, October 25, 2019


Mead’s Law: “Never doubt that a few committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.”-  Margaret Mead
Brakey’s Addendum to Mead’s Law: “A few committed citizens can change the world.  But if you turn them into a committee, we’re screwed.”- John Brakey

Saturday, October 19, 2019


"...attempts to weaponize Hinchliffe's Rule (by writing titles where "no" would be the fun answer) are doomed to fail, just like you can't take advantage of Murphy's Law by relying on something not working. If you try such shenanigans, it will fail to fail."
- Rutgers University theoretical physicist Matthew Buckley, in the Tweet:


"If a physics paper has a question mark in the title, the answer is no."
(From a Tweet by theoretical physicist Matthew Buckley, in response to a story titled, "Can scientists reverse time with a quantum computer?)

This is derived from Betteridge's Law of Headlines, which stipulates that "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." Cook and Plourde (2016) explain that "When applied to the titles of academic publication, the assertion is referred to as Hinchcliffe's Rule." According to Holderness (2014), this was attributed to British physicist Ian Hinchcliffe. However, Peon (1995) asked, "Is Hinchliffe's rule true?," which allegedly demonstrates that Hinchcliffe's rule is false- but only if it is true, as discussed by Boswell (2017). The entire topic is discussed and Peon's purported paradox is deconstructed by Shieber (2015).

Boswell, D.W., 2017. The owl of Minerva: Governing technology in the quest for sustainability.  Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tasmania.
Cook, J.M., and Plourde, D., 2016. Do scholars follow Betteridge's Law? The use of questions in journal article titlesScientometrics 108(3):1119-1128.
Holderness, M., 2014. Feedback.  New Scientist 223 (2982):48.
Peon, B., 1995. Is Hinchcliffe's Rule True?  New Scientist, 16 August 2014.
Shieber, S.M., 2015.  Is This Article Consistent with Hinchcliffe's Rule? Annals of Improbable Research 21(3):18-19.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


90% of the Internet is people who don't know anything having their questions answered by (other) people who don't know anything.

-From a Tweet by Mark Leggett:

Saturday, October 5, 2019


"You have two ears and one mouth.  Keep the two open and the one shut."- The late hockey legend Gordie Howe, quoted on NPR's Morning Edition on 6/15/2016.

Monday, September 30, 2019


"People like you to stick to your principles... until it's a principle they don't like."- Ohio Governor and Presidential candidate John Kasich, on MSNBC's "11th Hour with Brian Williams," Sept. 6, 2016

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


"Don't leave public opinion (of you) up to the public, because you may not like what they have to say or what they think."
-Maggie Jessup, PR consultant and author of the book Fame 101

Saturday, September 14, 2019


 "They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
- Carl Sagan

Saturday, September 7, 2019


"Any day that you keep your gratitude higher than your expectations is a really good day."- Paraphrased from singer-songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard, in his song "Mother Blues" from the album "Grifter's Hymnal."

Saturday, August 31, 2019


"Justice is a like a big rug.  When you pull it out from under one man, a lot of others fall too."- Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, quoted by Mark Shaw, author of The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of What's My Line TV Star and Media Icon Dorothy Kilgallen

Saturday, August 24, 2019


"A long way is even longer when the long way is the wrong way."  
- Tom Gill (3/27/2014)

Sunday, August 18, 2019


There are three things you never get back : 1. A word after it's said 2. Time after it's passed 3. Your pen if I really like it

(from Claudia, @bossy_bootz on Twitter, Feb 18, 2014)

Saturday, August 10, 2019


“Never doubt that a few committed individuals can change the world. But if you turn them into a committee, we’re screwed.”- John Brakey

Monday, August 5, 2019


Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you. -Wendell Berry,  author and environmentalist

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Silence is golden.  Unless you have young children; then, silence is suspicious. 

Friday, July 26, 2019


"Never eat Mexican food east of the Mississippi or north of Dallas."- Lyle Lovett

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Corbató's Law

Computer pioneer Fernando Corbató passed away on July 12.  Known as the inventor of the computer password, he also came up with what has long been referred as Corbató's Law:

"The number of lines of code a programmer can write in a fixed period of time is the same, independent of the language used."

Saturday, July 6, 2019


"Crowds are always big — but they’re not always wise. Sometimes it’s impossible to control which crowds are being sourced."
(David Goldenberg,

Saturday, June 29, 2019


"Professors are a series of individual faculty entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance over parking.”
- former University of California president Clark Kerr 

Saturday, June 22, 2019


"Nothing makes me want to leave a website more than a pop-up window saying, “Are you sure you want to leave this page."- Bill Murray

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


If the sum of a house's ghosts exceeds the sum of its tenants, sell it.  (From Robert Charles Wilson's novel "Last Year.")

Saturday, June 15, 2019


"Intelligence is as much a liability as a virtue: it increases your repertoire of possible errors. it just gives you more ways that you can get in your own way, or screw up."  
-Stephen E. Braude, professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. (November 2, 2016)

Sunday, June 9, 2019

BOURDAIN'S LAW: Remembering Anthony Bourdain A Year After His Passing

"If the waiter takes ten minutes to describe a dish, and it takes three minutes to eat it, something's really wrong"- the late  great Anthony Bourdain. 
That's what I loved about his show- he appreciated a good plate of drunken noodles from a street vendor, or a really well made toasted cheese sandwich at a neighbourhood dive, as much as the fine dishes from a Michelin Star rated restaurant.

Saturday, June 8, 2019


"There's only one problem flying by the seat of your pants.  Sometimes you end up naked." -William Shatner, in TV GUIDE 8/22/16

Thursday, June 6, 2019


"The coin of our realm is the size of our audience."- Phil Donahue
on CNN, June 25 2017

Saturday, June 1, 2019


"The people who drink the most Red Bull are the people who seem to have the least going on"
-Chloe Lopez, on Twitter, 11/20/2-14

Sunday, May 19, 2019


"Always sell the thing that people want, to the people who have the most money."- Adventurer Robert Young Pelton's stepfather, who was a hydrologist for the government of Saudi Arabia (who had plenty of people looking for oil but a need for, and lack of people exploring for, water).

Saturday, May 11, 2019


"Professors are a series of individual faculty entrepreneurs held together by a common grievance over parking.”- former University of California President Clark Kerr.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


"Love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe."- Found written on an old postcard dated 1909, but it's still great advice today!

Saturday, May 4, 2019


"America is a country where people believe the moon landing is fake, but wrestling is real."-  David Letterman, February 1, 2001

Sunday, April 28, 2019


I came up with these four years ago and posted them on social media.   They still are true.
A. “Most cops do not engage in police brutality” is no justification for those who do. Full stop.
B. “Most protesters are peaceful” is no justification for those who engage in violence. Period.
C. “Crimes against (people of a given race or ethnicity) are mostly committed by members of their own race/ethnicity" is not a legitimate response to people committing violence against persons of a different race- OR vice versa.
D. “Most corporations aren’t polluters” is no justification for those who are. End of story.
E. “Most gun owners are responsible” is no justification for impunity for the irresponsible. No if’s or buts about it.
F. None of the above, or their analogs, shall be an allowable explanation of any of the others.
I could go on, but you probably get the picture. No deflection, no excuses. Neither false equivalence, nor false difference. As my momma always told me, “don’t be a yabbit rabbit.” Do. You. Understand?


"The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn't make a decision."- Author unknown

Saturday, April 27, 2019


DeVries' Law: Everybody needs an editor.  (Lloyd De Vries)
Crotty's Rejoinder to DeVries' Law: Every editor needs a proofreader, too, maybe two.  (David Crotty)

(The Philatelic Communicator, Vol. 49, 4th Quarter 2015, page 3)

Saturday, April 20, 2019


"Ideology is like breath: you never smell your own."- economist Joan Robinson, quoted by Stephen Pinker:

Saturday, April 13, 2019


"Effectively thinking outside of the box requires some knowledge of where the box's boundaries are and why they are there."- Dr. David Shiffman

Saturday, April 6, 2019


McRANEY'S LAW: People don't know themselves very well.  Rather, they know their opinions of themselves very well.  (David McRaney, author of the book, "You Are Not So Smart")

Friday, April 5, 2019


"Even if you know that 95% of a story is true, but you have to know which 95% it is in order to have the keys to the code." - Anonymous NSA agent, quoted by author Richard Thieme.

Corollary: "Fiction is the only way you can tell the truth, sometimes."

"When you think you have an original idea or see something brand new, just publicize it.  You'll find out that a million other people have already had it." - author Richard Thieme.


"You never get the truth from the company memo."- Attributed to Timothy Leary, quoted by author Richard Thieme.

Saturday, March 30, 2019


On this first weekend of the Major League Baseball season, I think back to when I was a kid. I spent several summers at a summer camp for kids with various types of (dis)abilities. Of course, there was baseball. I was a living argument for the designated hitter. I was, honestly, a great hitter: great hand-eye coordination, and a powerful swing. I batted third and almost always made a hit, usually a home run; even though I couldn't walk very well, I "hit'em where they ain't." When I didn't hit a homer, I even stole a few bases standing up, because no one paid any attention to me on the basepath because I was no running threat. Eventually I became a problem because I kept hitting the ball into the creek beyond the outfield.

But, due to my physical disability, I couldn't really play defense. With an extremely weird setup, I could (and did) catch, which is cool, because I always have had kind of the march-to-my-own-drummer mindset of a catcher.

Except for one game, when the coach of my team decided to put me at third base. The VERY FIRST batter BUNTED the ball down the third-base line straight at me. I fell flat on my face fielding the ball, then threw it wildly way over the first baseman's head and down the right field line. As of the next batter, I was back behind the plate.

Sunday, March 24, 2019


"Nobody believes the official spokesman but everybody trusts an unidentified source."- former USA White House Press Secretary Ron Nessen

Saturday, March 23, 2019


Strong and wrong beats weak and right.- Edward Abbott Parry, 1912. (Often quoted about political campaigns)

Saturday, March 16, 2019


"To a man on a mountain road by night, a glimpse of the next three feet of road matters more than a vision of the horizon."- C.S. Lewis

Friday, March 15, 2019


"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.”  
- Joe Biden, March 2015, in a @JoeBiden tweet

Monday, March 11, 2019


There are two kinds of people in this world. One, who complain that covers of classic songs by other bands aren't faithful to the original. The other kind, those who complain that covers of classic songs by other bands are too faithful to the original.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


"Local delicacy" generally means, "let's see if the dumb foreigner will eat this."
-Explorer Robert Young Pelton

Sunday, March 3, 2019


"It's not fun when the meteorologist calls out your road by name."

(Aaron Rosser, arosser14 on Twitter, 4/19/15)

Saturday, March 2, 2019


This is one of those "things" that has been going around the Internet, content essentially unchanged, since at least the mid- 1990s.

Do not allow closed doors in any room. To get door opened, stand on hind legs and hammer with forepaws. Once door is opened, it is not necessary to use it. After you have ordered an "outside" door opened, stand halfway in and out and think about several things. This is particularly important during very cold weather, rain, snow, or mosquito season. Swinging doors are to be avoided at all costs.

If you have to throw up, get to a chair quickly. If you cannot manage in time, get to an Oriental rug. If there is no Oriental rug, shag is good. When throwing up on the carpet, make sure you back up so that it is as long as the human's bare foot.

Always accompany humans to the bathroom. It is not necessary to do anything -- just sit and stare.

If one of your humans is engaged in some close activity and the other is idle, stay with the busy one. This is called "helping", otherwise known as "hampering." Following are the rules for "hampering:

a) When supervising cooking, sit just behind the left heel of the cook. You cannot be seen and thereby stand a better chance of being stepped on and then picked up and comforted.
b) For book readers, get in close under the chin, between eyes and book, unless you can lie across the book itself.
c) For knitting projects or paperwork, lie on the work in the most appropriate manner so as to obscure as much of the work or at least the most important part. Pretend to doze, but every so often reach out and slap the pencil or knitting needles. The worker may try to distract you; ignore it. Remember, the aim is to hamper work. Embroidery and needlepoint projects make great hammocks in spite of what the humans may tell you.
d) For humans paying bills (monthly activity) or working on income taxes or Christmas cards (annual activity), keep in mind the aim -- to hamper! First, sit on the paper being worked on. When dislodged, watch sadly from the side of the table. When activity proceeds nicely, roll around on the papers, scattering them to the best of your ability. After being removed for the second time, push pens, pencils, and erasers off the table, one at a time.
e) When a human is holding the newspaper in front of him/her, be sure to jump on the back of the paper. They love to jump.
As often as possible, dart quickly and as close as possible in front of the human, especially: on stairs, when they have something in their arms, in the dark, and when they first get up in the morning. This will help their coordination skills.

Always sleep on the human at night so s/he cannot move around. 

This is an important part of your life. Get enough sleep in the daytime so you are fresh for your nocturnal games. Below are listed several favorite cat games that you can play. It is important though to maintain one's Dignity at all times. If you should have an accident during play, such as falling off a chair, immediately wash a part of your body as if to say "I MEANT to do that!" It fools those humans every time.

"Catch Mouse":
The humans would have you believe that those lumps under the covers are their feet and hands. They are lying. They are actually Bed Mice, rumored to be the most delicious of all the mice in the world, though no cat has ever been able to catch one. Rumor also has it that only the most ferocious attack can stun them long enough for you to dive under the covers to get them. Maybe YOU can be the first to taste the Bed Mouse!

"King of the Hill": This game must be played with at least one other cat. The more, the merrier! One or both of the sleeping humans is Hill 303 which must be defended at all costs from the other cat(s). Anything goes. This game allows for the development of unusual tactics as one must take the unstable playing theater into account.

"Remember Your Roots": Remember that you, as a cat, are a direct relative of lions, tigers, and other jungle cats. Remind your humans of this frequently. The game is played by hiding behind furniture, bags, or basically anything which allows you to be hidden, yet maintain a good hunting position. Quietly stalk your prey, and then jump out and attack it as soon as you are sure no one's looking. Any furniture makes good Jungle foliage.
Playing either of these games to excess will result in expulsion from the bed and possibly from the bedroom. Should the humans grow restless, immediately begin purring and cuddle up to them. This should buy you some time until they fall asleep again. If one happens to be on a human when this occurs, this cat wins the round of King of the Hill.

Any small item is a potential toy. If a human tries to confiscate it, this means that it is a Good Toy. Run with it under the bed. Look suitably outraged when the human grabs you and takes it away. Always watch where it is put so you can steal it later. Two reliable sources of toys are dresser tops and wastebaskets. There are several types of cat toys. Bright shiny things like keys, broaches, or coins should be hidden so that the other cat(s) or humans can't play with them. They are generally good for playing hockey with on uncarpeted floors. Dangly and/or string-like things such as shoelaces, cords, gold chains, and dental floss also make excellent toys. They are favorites of humans who like to drag them across the floor for us to pounce on. When a string is dragged under a newspaper or throw rug, it magically becomes the Paper/Rug Mouse and should be killed at all costs. Take care, though. Humans are sneaky and will try to make you lose your Dignity.

Within paper bags dwell the Bag Mice. They are small and Camouflaged to be the same color as the bag, so they are hard to see. But you can easily hear the crinkling noises they make as they scurry around the bag. Anything, up to and including shredding the bag, can be done to kill them. Note: any other cat you may find in a bag hunting for Bag Mice is fair game for a Sneak Attack, which will usually result in a great Tag match.

In order to get the energy to sleep, play, and hamper, a cat must eat. Eating, however, is only half the fun. The other half is getting the food. Cats have two ways to obtain food: convincing a human you are starving to death and must be fed *NOW*; and hunting for it oneself. The following are guidelines for getting fed.

a) When the humans are eating, make sure you leave the tip of your tail in their dishes when they are not looking.
b) Never eat food from your own bowl if you can steal some from the table.
c) Never drink from your own water bowl if a human's glass is full enough to drink from.
d) Should you catch something of your own outside, it is only polite to attempt to get to know it. Be insistent -- your food will usually not be so polite and try to leave.
e) Table scraps are delicacies with which the humans are unfortunately unwilling to readily part. It is beneath the Dignity of a cat to beg outright for food as lower forms of life such as dogs will, but several techniques exist for ensuring that the humans don't forget you exist. These include, but are not limited to: jumping onto the lap of the "softest" human and purring loudly; lying down in the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen, the Direct Stare, and twining around people's legs as they sit and eat while meowing plaintively.
As mentioned above, in order to have enough energy for playing, a cat must get plenty of sleep. It is generally not difficult to find a comfortable place to curl up. Any place a human likes to sit is good, especially if it contrasts with your fur color. If it's in a sunbeam or near a heating duct or radiator, so much the better. Of course, good places also exist outdoors, but have the disadvantages of being seasonal and dependent on current and previous weather conditions such as rain. Open windows are a good compromise.

It is advised that cats use any scratching post the humans may provide. They are very protective of what they think is their property and will object strongly if they catch you sharpening your claws on it. Being sneaky and doing it when they aren't around won't help, as they are very observant. If you are an outdoor kitty, trees are good. Sharpening your claws on a human is a definite no-no!

Humans have three primary functions: to feed us, to play with and give attention to us, and to clean the litter box. It is important to maintain one's Dignity when around humans so that they will not forget who is the master of the house. Humans need to know basic rules. They can be taught if you start early and are consistent. 

Sunday, February 24, 2019


One or more atmospheric rivers are again set to hit California this upcoming week- perhaps bringing disruptions due to flooding, landslides, and heavy rain, but also bringing needed water to reservoirs and snow to the mountains.  Last night, Kathryn Myronuk asked me for my ideas for a playlist for an atmospheric river.  These songs popped in to my mind.  Consider this set as as a song starting with a dry spell, bringing an atmospheric river and its effects, with clearing and sparkling blue skies following.  It's heavy on classic and progressive rock, in tune with my tastes: I'm featuring some California-based artists and, of course, my own personal favourites.
What would your atmospheric river playlist tunes be?


Saturday, February 23, 2019


"If you want to disperse something really effectively in the environment, put it in gasoline."- Thomas Burke, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency official), speaking at a conference in Austin, Texas on Feb. 19, 2019.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


“Just because you’re a bird doesn’t mean you’re an ornithologist.”- David Epstein, author of “The Sports Gene.”

Sunday, February 17, 2019


"An extroverted engineer is one who looks at the shoes of the one standing next to them."- Overheard at an airport by Mark Engle, U.S. Geological Survey, and told to Tom Gill.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


"The best way to measure snow is to stay inside and let someone else go outside and do it."

Sunday, February 3, 2019


"If you need to hide a needle, build a haystack."
-Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, August 14, 2014

Monday, January 28, 2019


"Your perspective on the ride depends on when you get on the train."- Gene Simmons of the rock band KISS, quoted by magazine editor Chris Alexander

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Like a lot of people who wound up following my career path, I was indeed a total "weather geek" as a kid- although unlike many weather weenies, it wasn't my sole focus. I was a science geek in many other regards (biology, chemistry, geology- there will be posts about that) as well. But weather was one of the top passions.

Unlike most boys, I would listen to/watch the news not for the baseball scores, but for the metro area's daily high temperatures. One of the few things that would get me out of bed in the morning was to go watch the first weather reports on the early show. I had a rain gauge set up in the back yard, a minimum-maximum thermometer and other instruments, and I recorded their data daily for years. I'd obsess over measuring the temperature differences and other microclimatic variations between the front and back lawns, sun and shade, and between my parents' house and my grandpa's house on the next street. I made records of the visibility and different classes of clouds seen during different days and seasons, and tried to figure out ways to calculate cloud cover, visual range, and raindrop size. I'd go out in the rain or send my poor dad out in the rain when I was sick to calculate rainfall rates from different passing showers or the hourly progression of storms. There were no tornadoes or such storms to chase in Northern California, but I would convince my parents to take me on weekend day trips to places with differing microclimates.

I learned or got better at math as a kid by calculating things such as daily and monthly average temperature, storm total rainfall, percentage differences between the temperatures at one location and other, etc. One of my junior high school math teachers, in an earlier career, was one of the first "Hurricane Hunters" for the military, and knowing of my interest in weather, regaled me with exciting stories of flights into the eyes of storms. And, he kept reminding me that if I wanted to become a "weatherman," I'd need to get very good grades in math classes and take a lot of math and science courses: that advice made an impact.

In high school, with the help of a teacher and some friends, we made weather balloons of a sort, and launched them with postcards attached. One of them came down on a golf course about 100 kilometers away and the card was sent back by a golfer who said it distracted him when he was trying to putt.

When I was young, my concept of an actual, real, practicing "weatherman" back then- that's what we called them- was of someone who spent all day frantically driving around to different weather stations all over a region and constantly taking readings to decipher patterns and trends to make a forecast. The guy on TV was just the guy who ***reported*** the meteorology, not the one who actually did it, in much the same way that the sportscaster wasn't playing the football game, but reported the numbers (scores) and outcome. Remember, this was before computers, dataloggers, Internet, and GPS technology.  

Saturday, January 26, 2019


"If ifs & ands were pots and pans, the world would be a kitchen."- sportscaster Howard David

Friday, January 25, 2019


"Even the straightest path has two directions."- Novelist Paul McAuley, quoted in several of his books

Monday, January 21, 2019


TOM GILL PREDICTS: Patrick Mahomes will never have another season even vaguely as good as his 2018-19 NFL season: he will revert to being an average or worse NFL quarterback. He may lose his starting job before the end of next season: though this could be due to injury.


From a Tweet by @Alex_LaVallee: 

Good friends will pick you up when you're down.

Great friends will pick you up, put you on their back, and say "I got you".

Saturday, January 19, 2019


PITTMAN'S QUERY: "Why is it that everyone who believes they were reincarnated thinks they were someone famous?" - Author Rebecca F. Pittman

Sunday, January 13, 2019


Since January 1, 2016 on social media I have been listing my favourite songs, one almost every day.  The full list I came up with had about 750 songs on it.  I like music of many different kinds.  Here is the full list of songs in alphabetical order.

1999- Prince
57 Channels And Nothin On- Bruce Springsteen
A Different Drum- Peter Gabriel
A Girl In Trouble Is A Temporary Thing- Romeo Void
A Lover’s Holiday- Change
A Man For All Seasons- Al Stewart
A Pirate Looks At Forty- Jimmy Buffett
A Soapbox Opera- Supertramp
Abraham, Martin and John- Dion
Accident on 3rd Street- Al Stewart
Across The Great Divide- Nanci Griffith
Africa- Toto
Afrika Suite- Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Against the Wind- Bob Seger
Alabama Getaway- Grateful Dead
All Good Things- Jackson Browne
All of Me- Willie Nelson
All Summer Long- Kid Rock
All The Roadrunning- Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris
Almost Lucy- Al Stewart
Alone- Bee Gees
Alright Guy- Todd Snider
Also Sprach Zarathustra- Deodato
Amarillo by Morning (bilingual version)- John Arthur Martinez
Amazed- Lonestar                               
An Extraordinary Life- Asia
Angry Bird- Al Stewart
Another Brick In The Wall- Pink Floyd
Another One Bites The Dust- Queen
Another Saturday Night- Jimmy Buffett
Answering Machine- Rupert Holmes
Antarctica- Al Stewart
Arc Of A Diver- Steve Winwood
Are You Jimmy Ray?- Jimmy Ray
As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls- Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays
Ashes to Ashes- David Bowie
Asimbonanga- Savuka
Atlantic City- The Band
Atomic- Blondie
Baby Likes To Rock It- Tractors
Baby Step Back – Gordon Lightfoot
Back To Life- Soul II Soul
Back To The Chain Gang- Pretenders
Badges Posters Stickers T-Shirts- Dire Straits
Ballad of Gilligan’s Island- Sherwood Schwartz and George Wyle
Barricades of Heaven- Jackson Browne
Battle of New Orleans- Johnny Horton
Beachcombing- Mark Knopfler & Emmylou Harris
Beautiful Loser- Bob Seger
Beer For My Horses- Toby Keith
Beeswing- Richard Thompson
Before the Deluge- Jackson Browne
Beside The Yellow Line- Tom Gill
Best I Can- Chris Perez
Beth- KISS
Beverly Hillbillies (UHF Video) - Weird Al Yankovic
Beyond The End- Jimmy Buffett
Big Blue Ball- Big Blue Ball
Big Generator- Yes
Big Time- Peter Gabriel
Black and White- Jackson Browne
Blaze of Glory- Alarm
Blow Away- George Harrison
Blown By The Wind- Alan Parsons
Boat Drinks- Jimmy Buffett
Boom Like That- Mark Knopfler
Boom! It Was Over- Robert Ellis Orrall
Born In The U.S.A.- Bruce Springsteen
Brand New Day- Sting
Breathe- Faith Hill 
Breathe In, Breathe Out, Move On- Jimmy Buffett
Brilliant Disguise- Bruce Springsteen
Bring Back The Magic- Jimmy Buffett
Bring On The Night- Sting
Brother Up In Heaven – Alan Parsons
Brothers In Arms- Mark Knopfler
Bruises- Train and Ashley Monroe
Burned Like A Rocket- Bily Joe Royal
Bytor and the Snow Dog- Rush
California Stars- Billy Bragg / Wilco / Woody Guthrie / Bob Seger
Candle In The Wind- Elton John
Cannibals- Mark Knopfler
Cannonball- Supertramp
Change The World- Eric Clapton       
Changes In Attitudes, Changes in Latitiudes Jimmy Buffett
Changes- Yes
Chasing What's Already Gone-Mary Chapin Carpenter
Cherokee Boogie- BR5-49
Cherry Bomb -John Mellencamp
Children of the Sun- Billy Thorpe
Chimes of Freedom- Bob Dylan
Chocolate Cake- Crowded House
Choices- George Jones
Class of ’58- Al Stewart
Clementine- Neil Young
Clones- Alice Cooper
Closer to Fine- Indigo Girls
Coco Rayado- Ruben Vela
Coconut Telegraph- Jimmy Buffett
Colour Of The Sun- Jimmy Buffett
Come Monday- Jimmy Buffett
Comfortably Numb- Pink Floyd
Communique- Dire Straits
Conspiracy Radio- Shawn Hogan
Constant Craving- k.d. Lang
Cool Change- Little River Band
Copperhead Road- Steve Earle
Corazon Espinado- Santana
Crackerbox Palace- George Harrison
Creep- Radiohead
Crime of the Century- Supertramp
Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World- Savuka
Cups/When I’m Gone- Carter Family / Anna Kendrick
Da Da Da- Trio
Dallas- Flatlanders
Damned If I Do- Alan Parsons Project
Darkness On The Edge Of Town- Bruce Springsteen
Days Are Numbers- Alan Parsons Project
De Bolon Pin Pon- Flaco Jimenez
Dead Flowers- Rolling Stones
Dead Giveaway- Shalamar
December African Rain- Juluka
Deep Inside My Heart- Randy Meisner and Kim Carnes
Dela- Savuka
Demolition Man- Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Der Kommissar / Deep In The Dark/ Ronnie Jones/ After The Fire
Desert Rose- Sting
Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes- Paul Simon
Digging In The Dirt- Peter Gabriel
Do They Know It’s Christmas- Band Aid
Don’t Answer Me- Alan Parsons Project
Don’t Fall Apart On Me Tonight- Bob Dylan
Don’t Forget About Me- Nanci Griffith
Don’t Forget Me- Al Stewart
Don’t Throw Stones- The Sports
Don’t Turn Around- Albert Hammond, et al.
Done With Bonaparte- Mark Knopfler
Doubting Thomas- Nickel Creek
Down Under- Men At Work
Dreamer- Supertramp
Dreamland Express- John Denver
Drop The Pilot- Joan Armatrading
Dry Lightning- Bruce Springsteen
Dust In The Wind- Kansas
Easier Said Than Done / 3 Ships album- Jon Anderson
El Mercado de Testaccio- Inti Illimani
El Nino- Dave Nachmanoff
El Paso City- Marty Robbins
El Paso- Marty Robbins
Electric Avenue- Eddy Grant
Electric Los Angeles Sunset- Al Stewart
Elevation- U2
Emotional Allegiance- Savuka
Emotionally Yours- Bob Dylan
End Of The Innocence- Bruce Hornsby/Don Henley
Enter Sandman- Metallica w/ SF Symphony
Even Better Than The Real Thing- U2
Even In The Quietest Moments- Supertramp
Every Breaking Wave- U2
Every Breath You Take- Police
Every Day Is A Winding Road- Sheryl Crow
Every Trick In The Book- Phil Manzanera
Everybody Have Fun- Wang Chung
Everybody Knows- Leonard Cohen
Everyday I Write The Book- Elvis Costello
Everything Is Broken- Bob Dylan
Everything That Glitters- Dan Seals
Exit Through You- Big Blue Ball
Eye In The Sky- Alan Parsons Project
Eyes of Nostradamus- Manfred Mann’s Earth Band
Faaap de Oiad- Tool
Family Man- Hall and Oates (Mike Oldfield)
Feel Like- Al Stewart
Feelin’ Kind of Lonely Tonight- Shelby Lynne
Feliz Navidad- Billy Joe Shaver
Fields of Gold- Sting
Fight the Power- Public Enemy
Find Your Way Back- Jefferson Starship
Fins- Jimmy Buffett
First We Take Manhattan- Leonard Cohen
Five Hundred Miles- Hedy West
Flaco Jimenez- Said and Done- Flaco Jimenex
Flood- Jars of Clay
Floridays- Jimmy Buffett
Flowers On The Wall- Eric Heatherly’s version
Fly Like An Eagle- Steve Miller Band
Fly- Sugar Ray     
Fool’s Overture- Supertramp
For America- Jackson Browne
Forever Young- Bob Dylan
Forget Me Nots / Men In Black- Patrice Rushen/Will Smith
Fortress Around Your Heart- Sting
Fountain of Sorrow- Jackson Browne
Freedom Now- Tracy Chapman
Freudiana- Eric Woolfson
Friends In The Distance- Poco
From A Distance- Julie Gol
Fruitcakes- Jimmy Buffett
Fur Elise- Beethoven
Gallo Del Cielo- Joe Ely
Games Without Frontiers- Peter Gabriel
Genie On A Table Top- Al Stewart
George of the Jungle theme- Stan Worth, Sheldon Allman
Georgy Porgy- Toto feat. Cheryl Lynn
Get Back On The Train- Phish
Get Lucky- Little River Band
Ghost Riders In The Sky-  Stan Jones
Ghostbusters- Ray Parker Jr.
Gillis Mountain- Rankin Family
Give A Little Bit- Supertramp
Give Me One Reason- Tracy Chapman
Giyani- Johnny Clegg
Going Home- Mark Knopfler
Good To Be Me- Kid Rock and Uncle Kracker
Graceland- Paul Simon
Gracias A La Vida- Mercedes Sosa
Great Heart- Savuka
Gulf Coast Highway- Nanci Griffith
Handle With Care- Travelling Wilburys
Hands of Time- Groove Armada
Happily Ever After (Now And Then)- Jimmy Buffett
Hasta Que Yo COnoci- Mana (Juan Gabriel)
Hawaiian War Chant- Prince Leleiohoku
Hazard- Richard Marx
He Drinks Tequila And She Talks Dirty In Spanish- Sammy Kershaw and Lorrie Morgan
He Went To Paris- Jimmy Buffett
Heavy Cloud No Rain- Sting
Here Comes The Rain Again- Eurythmics
Hey Ya- Outkast
Hey You- Pink Floyd
Hey! Bartender! There’s A Bear In My Beer- Tom Gill
Hide In Your Shell- Supertramp
Highwayman- Highwaymen
History Repeating- Propellerheads
Hold On Hold Out- Jackson Browne
Hold On- Triumph
Hold Out- Jackson Browne
Holiday Road- Lindsay Buckingham
Holly Jolly Christmas- Burl Ives
Hollywood- Kasey Chambers
House of Clocks- Al Stewart
How I Feel Tonight- Birtles and Goble
Howling Wind- Alarm (5 years ago freeze)
Human Rainbow- Savuka   AUG 31
Human Wheels­-John Mellencamp
I Ain’t Even Done With The Night-John Mellencamp
I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow- Soggy Bottom Boys
I Am A Patriot- Jackson Browne
I Am The Bullgod- Kid Rock
I and I- Bob Dylan
I Call Your Name- Savuka
I Can Never Be What You Want Me To Be- Savuka
I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)- Hall and Oates
I Do The Rock- Tim Curry
I Don’t Want To Talk About Love- Nanci Griffith
I Dream Alone- Little River Band
I Fall To Pieces- Patsy Cline
I Feel So Good- Richard Thompson
I Grieve- Peter Gabriel
I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues- Elton John
I Had The Time Of My Life- Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
I Hope You Dance- Lee Ann Womack
(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight- Cutting Crew
I Know You’re Out There Somewhere- Moody Blues
I Like To Walk- The Simpsons
I Love You But- Judy Fjell
I Misunderstood- Richard Thompson
I Need A Lover-John Mellencamp
I Predict- Sparks
I Ran (So Far Away)- A Flock of Seagulls
I Robot- Alan Parsons Project
I Still Believe- The Call
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For- U2
I Walk The Line Revisited- Rodney Crowell
I Want To Know What Love Is- Foreigner
I Wish I Were Blind- Bruce Springsteen
I would Do Anything for Love But I Won’t Do That- Meat Loaf
I/G/Y- Donald Fagen
I’ll Be Missing You- Puff Daddy, Sting, Faith Evans and 112 et al.
I’m Alive- Jackson Browne
I’m Alive- Kasey Chambers
I’m Not Running Anymore-John Mellencamp
I’m So Happy I Can’t Stop Crying- Sting
If I Could Change Your Mind- Alan Parsons Project
If I Could Just Get It On Paper- Jimmy Buffett
If I Had A Boat- Lyle Lovett
If I Had A Rocket Launcher- Bruce Cockburn
If I Needed You- Emmylou Harris and Don Williams
If I Should Fall Behind- Bruce Springsteen
If It Doesn’t Come Naturally Leave It- Al Stewart
If The Phone Doesn’t Ring It’s Me- Jimmy Buffett
If You Want To Find Love- Kenny Rogers
Imaginary Lover- Atlanta Rhythm Section
Impi- Johnny Clegg
In The Lap Of The Gods- Alan Parsons Project
In The Shape of a Heart- Jackson Browne
In Your Eyes- Peter Gabriel
Indian Summer- Al Stewart
Industrial Disease- Dire Straits
Inevitable Consequence of Progress- Juluka
Into The Groove- Madonna
It Can Happen- Yes
It Could Happen To You- Blue Rodeo
It Don’t Come Easy- Ringo Starr
It Never Rains In Southern California- Albert Hammond and Al Stewart
It’s A Long Way There- Little River Band
It’s All Coming Back To Me Now- Celine Dion
It’s An Illusion- Savuka
It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere- Jimmy Buffett
It’s Just Another Morning Here- Nanci Griffith
It’s My Job- Jimmy Buffett
It’s Raining Again- Supertramp
Jackie Brown-John Mellencamp
Jingle Bells- traditional
Joutilas- YUP
Just Enough Rope- Rick Trevino
Just Like The Weather- Suzy Bogguss
Just Say Yeah- Jackson Browne
Just The Two Of Us- Grover Washington Jr. feat. Bill Withers
Just The Way You Are- Billy Joel
Just When I Needed You Most- Randy Vanwarmer
Keep Your Distance- Richard Thompson
Kings of the World- Mississippi
La Sagrada Familia- Alan Parsons Project
Land Of Hopes And Dreams- Bruce Springsteen
Landslide- Fleetwood Mac
Las Cosas Simples De La Vida- Nino
Last Days Of The Century- Al Stewart
Last Mango In Paris- Jimmy Buffett
Laughing into 1939- Al Stewart
Lead Me On- Maxine Nightingale
Lemon Tree- Will Holt (Trini Lopez)
Lessons in Love- Level 42
Let’s Go Crazy- Prince
Levelland- James McMurtry
Lies- Thompson Twins
Life During Wartime- Talking Heads
Life In Dark Water- Al Stewart
Life Short Call Now- Bruce Cockburn
Lift Me Up- Yes
Light At The End Of The Tunnel- B.B. Watson
Light of Day- Little River Band
Lights of Taormina- Mark Knopfler
Like A Prayer- Madonna
Little Green Apples- Bobby Russell
Little Lies- Fleetwood Mac
Little Red Corvette- Prince
Little Victories- Darden Smith
Lives In The Balance- Jackson Browne
Living In The Plastic Age- Buggles
Livingston’s Gone To Texas- Jimmy Buffett
Lluvia Al Corazon- Mana
London Calling- Clash
Lone Palm- Jimmy Buffett
Loneliest Place On The Map- Al Stewart
Lonesome Loser- Little River Band
Long Island Sound- James McMurtry
Looking East- Jackson Browne
Lord Is it Mine- Supertramp
Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good- Don Williams
Lost In Love- Air Supply
Love Can Find A Way- Yes
Love Is A Bridge- Little River Band
Love is Dangerous- Fleetwood Mac
Love Is Like A Rock- Donnie Iris
Love Plus One- Haircut One Hundred
Love’s Theme- Love Unlimited Orchestra
Lovely Day- Bill Withers
Loving Arms- Darden Smith
Lubbock Tornado- Terry Allen
Lucky Man- Emerson Lake And Palmer
Lyin’ Eyes- Eagles
Making Love Out Of Nothing At All- Jim Steinman (Air Supply, Bonnie Tyler)
Man In The Mirror- Michael Jackson
Man On Your Mind- Little River Band
Manic Monday- Bangles
Marching to Pretoria- Traditional
Margaritaville- Jimmy Buffett
Maria- Blondie
Maria- Willie Nelson with Rob Thomas
Maybe Tomorrow- Nanci Griffith
Meet Me In Montana – Dan Seals
Meet The Flintstones- Hoyt Curtin, Joseph Barbera and William Hanna
Mendocino County Line- Bernie Taupin (Willie Nelson & Lee Ann Womack)
Message In A Bottle- Police
Mi Verdad- Mana and Shakira
Mineral Wells- Amanda Shires
Miss You So Badly- Jimmy Buffett
Missing You- John Waite (Tina Turner, Brooks & Dunn, Flavio Cesar, Cameo, Stephen Colbert and Congressman Jason Chafetz, Alison Krauss, Melanie, Evoke, Rod Stewart, Orianthi, David Wilcox)
Molokai Slide- Ehukai
Mondo Sinistro- Al Stewart
Money For Nothing- Dire Straits
Moonlight Feels Right- Starbuck
More Than This- Roxy Music
Morning Dance- Spiro Gyra
Murmansk Run/ Ellis Island- Al Stewart
Must Be Santa- Bob Dylan
My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink and I Don’t Love Jesus- Jimmy Buffett
My Oklahoma Home- Bruce Springsteen
My Personal Revenge- Jackson Browne
My Problem Is You- Jackson Browne
My Toot Toot- Rockin’ Sidney
NBA on CBS Theme- CBS Sports
Nearly Forgot My Broken Heart- Chris Cornell
Never Be The Same- Christopher Cross
New Kid In Town- Eagles
New Morning Sun- Blue Rodeo
New Year’s Day- U2
Night Inside of Me- Jackson Browne
Night Train To Munich- Al Stewart
Nightshift- Commodores
Nikita- Elton John
No Leaf Clover- Metallica
No One Is To Blame- Howard Jones
No Surrender- Bruce Springsteen
Nobody Knows- Tony Rich
Norwegian Wood- Beatles
Nostradamus- Al Stewart
Not Pretty Enough- Kasey Chambers
Not What I Expected- Dave Nachmanoff
Nothing At All- Heart
Nothing Left To Lose- Alan Parsons Project
Notorious Cherry Bombs- It’s Hard To Kiss the Lips at Night…
November Rain- Guns ‘n’ Roses
Nuevo Amanacer- Mana
Oh Life (There Must Be More)- Alan Parsons
Old Admirals- Al Stewart
Old And Wise- Alan Parsons Project
Oldest Surfer On The Beach- Jimmy Buffett
On A Slow Boat To China- Jimmy Buffett
On The Border- Al Stewart  
On The Road- Lee Roy Parnell
Once Upon A Time In The West- Dire Straits
One Human, One Vote- Savuka
One More Song- Randy Meisner
One Particular Harbour- Jimmy Buffett
One Slip- Pink Floyd
One Stage Before- Al Stewart
One Step Up- Bruce Springsteen
Only Time- Enya
Original Sin- INXS
Our Lips are Sealed- Fun Boy Three
Owner of a Lonely Heart- Yes
Pacing The Cage- Bruce Cockburn
Paint By Numbers- Al Stewart
Pancho and Lefty- Townes Van Zandt / Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard/ others
Paper Moon- Nat King Cole
Peaceful World- John Mellencamp
People of the South Wind- Kansas
Photograph- Ringo Starr
Picture- Kid Rock
Piece of Work- Jimmy Buffett
Pink and Black Song- Terry Allen
Pink Houses-John Mellencamp
Planet Claire- B52s
Playing With Lightning- Shot In The Dark
Please Remember Me- Tim McGraw
Polly Wolly Doodle- Dan Emmett
Popeye The Sailor Man- Sammy Lerner
Precious Life- Lichtmond feat. Alan Parsons and SubClones
Pressure Off- Duran Duran
Pride In The Name of Love- U2
Prime Time- Alan Parsons Project
Punish The Monkey- Mark Knopfler
Purple Rain- Prince
Rain Barrel- Al Stewart
Rain In The Summertime- Alarm
Rain On The Scarecrow-John Mellencamp
Ram Goat Liver- Pluto Shervington
Ramblin’ Rose- Nat King Cole
Rancho Grande- Jorge Negrete
Rapper’s Delight- Sugar Hill Hang
Rapture- Blondie
Raspberry Beret- Prince
Red Toupee- Al Stewart
Refugee- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Return to Tunguska- Alan Parsons
Rhinestone Cowboy- Glen Campbell
Rhythm of Love- Yes
Ride- Liz Phair
Ring of Fire- Johnny Cash
Rise- Herb Alpert
Road To Hell- Chris Rea
Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through- Jim Steinman
Roll The Bones- Rush
Roxanne 97- Sting with Pras
Rumours of War- Al Stewart
Run Away- Sun Stroke Project
Run Like The Wind- Thrasher Shiver
Runaway Train- Soil Asylum
Running Man- Al Stewart
Running on Empty- Jackson Browne
Sailing to Philadelphia- Mark Knopfler and James Taylor
Sampan- Al Stewart
San Jacinto- Peter Gabriel
Sand and Water- Beth Nielsen Chapman
Sara- Fleetwood Mac
Save Me San Francisco- Train
Scatterlings of Africa- Juluka
Screw You, We’re from Texas- Ray Wylie Hubbard
Secret World- Peter Gavriel
Seine City- Little River Band
Seminole Wind- Jon Anderson
Sentimental Journey- Doris Day
Seven Bridges Road- Eagles
Seven Spanish Angels- Willie Nelson and Ray Charles
Shadow Of A Lonely Man- Alan Parsons Project
Shaking The Tree- Peter Gabriel
Shame On The Moon- Rodney Crowell / Bob Seger
Shanghai Breezes- John Denver
Shaving Cream- Fabulous Five
She Blinded Me With Science- Thomas Dolby
She Finally Spoke Spanish To Me- Joe Ely
She Never Spoke Spanish To Me- Joe Ely
Sheila Won’t Be Coming Home- Dave Nachmanoff feat. Al Stewart
Shelter- Lone Justice
Shock The Monkey- Peter Gabriel
Shoot High Aim Low- Yes
Shoten Theme- Hachidai Nakamura
Shotgun Down The Avalanche- Shawn Colvin
Signal To Noise- Peter Gabriel
Silence and I- Alan Parsons Project
Singh Is King- Snoop Dogg and Akshay Kumar with RDB
Sirius- Alan Parsons Project
Six Months In A Leaky Boat- Split Enz
Sixty Eight Guns- Alarm
Sledgehammer- Peter Gabriel
Sleeping With The Television On- Billy Joel
Slow Train Coming- Bob Dylan
Small Paradise-John Mellencamp
Smiling Islands- Robbie Patton
Smoke From A Distant Fire- Sanford Townsend Band
Smooth- Santana
Snake Eyes- Alan Parsons Project
So Far Away- Dire Straits
Soho Needless to Say- Al Stewart
Solid Rock- Mark Knopfler
Solsbury Hill- Peter Gabriel
Some Days are Diamonds- John Arthur Martinez
Some Velvet Morning- Lee Hazelwood/Nancy Sinatra
Some White People Can Dance- Greg “Fingers” Taylor
Somebody’s Watching Me- Rockwell
Someday Soon- Suzy Bogguss
Someday- Sugar Ray
Someone’s Taken Our History- Graham Goble
Somewhere in England 1815- Al Stewart
Somewhere Over China- Jimmy Buffett
Somewhere Over The Rainbow- Bruddah Iz
Sooner or Later- Alan Parsons Project
Sorrow- Pink Floyd
South Of Santa Fe- Brooks and Dunn
Southern Cross- Crosby, Stills and Nash
Souvenirs- Jimmy Buffett
Soy De San Luis- Texas Tornados
Space Oddity- David Bowie
Space Race- MiSex
Speed of the Sound of Loneliness- Nanci Griffith
Spooky- Atlanta Rhythm Section
Standing On Higher Ground- Alan Parsons Project
State of Independence- John Anderson
Steady On- Shawn Colvin
Steam- Peter Gabriel
Steppin’- Shaka
Stepping In A Slide Zone- Moody Blues
Stereotomy- Alan Parsons project
Stones in the Road- Mary Chapin Carpenter, Joan Baez
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around- Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty
Strange Girl- Al Stewart
Strange Times- Moody Blues
Street Dance- Break Machine
Streets of Philadelphia- Bruce Springsteen
Sultans of Swing- Dire Straits
Sunday Bloody Sunday- U2
Sure Know Something- KISS
Switchin’ to Glide- Kings
Symphony #1- Edvard Grieg
Synchronicity II- Police
Taco With A Pork Chop- Ray Brown
Tainted Love- Soft Cell
Take A Chance With Me- Roxy Music
Take Another Road- Jimmy Buffett
Take Five- Dave Brubeck
Take It Easy- Eagles
Take It Easy On Me- Little River Band
Take It To The Limit- Eagles
Take My Heart Away- Savuka
Take The Long Way Home- Supertramp
Tea In The Sahara- Police
Tearin’ Up My Heart- *NSYNC
Telegraph Road- Dire Straits
Temporary Secretary- Paul McCartney
Tempus Fugit- Yes
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out- Bruce Springsteen
Thank You- Dido
That Girl Could Sing- Jackson Brownw
That’s The Way of the World- Earth Wind and Fire
That’s What Living Means to Me- Jimmy Buffett
The Aircrash Bureau- Gary Numan
The Bug- Dire Straits 
The Captain and the Kid- Jimmy Buffett
The Chain- Fleetwood Mac
The Chase- Giorgio Moroder
The Coldest Winter in Memory- Al Stewart
The Crossing- Johnny Clegg
The Crow On The Cradle- Sydney Carter
The Dark and the Rolling Sea- Al Stewart
The Eagle Will Rise Again- Alan Parsons Project
The Finer Things- Steve Winwood
The Fox- Elton John
The Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades- Timbuk 3
The Grand Tour- Aaron Neville
The Great Joe Bob- Terry Allen
The Ground Beneath Her Feet- U2
The Hamster Dance- Hampton the Hampster
The Last Resort- Eagles
The Last Worthless Evening- Don Henley
The Ledge- Fleetwood Mac
The Lighthouse’s Tale- Nickel Creek
The Man’s Too Strong- Dire Straits
The Naked Ride Home- Jackson Browne
The News From Spain- Al Stewart
The Next Voice You Hear- Jackson Browne
The One that Got Away- Al Stewart
The Pretender- Jackson Browne
The Raven- Alan Parsons
The Rebel Jesus- Jackson Browne
The Reflex- Duran Duran
The Revolution Will Eat Its Children- Johnny Clegg
The River- Bruce Springsteen
The River- Garth Brooks
The Road Goes On Forever and the Party Never Ends- Robert Earl Keen
The Rumor- Little River Band
The Smurf Song- Pierre Kartner
The Stand- Alarm
The Time Machine- Alan Parsons
The Trawlerman’s Song- Mark Knopfler
The Voice- Moody Blues
The Wall- Willie Nelson
The Way- Fastball
The Weather Is Here Wish You Were Beautiful- Jimmy Buffett
The Winner Takes It All- ABBA
The Writing On The Wall- Poco
They Dance Alone- Sting
Things Have Changed- Bob Dylan
Things that Make You Go Hmm- C&C Music Factory
This Is Not America- David Bowie & Pat Metheny Group
This Is Us- Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris
This Old Man- Traditional (Bob Dylan)
Three Cornered Hat- De Falla
Tight Connection To My Heart- Bob Dylan
Tijuana Taxi- Herb Alpert
Time – Alan Parsons Project
Time For Me To Fly- REO Speedwagon
Time Passages- Al Stewart
Time The Conqueror- Jackson Browne
To Make You Feel My Love- Bob Dylan
Tom’s Diner- Suzanne Vega
Total Eclipse of the Heart- Jim Steinman (Bonnie Tyler)
Train, Train- Blackfoot
Traveling Soldier- Dixie Chicks (Bruce Robison)
Treaty- Yothu Yindi
Trespasser- Al Stewart
Trip Around the Sun- Jimmy Buffett and Martina McBride
Truckload of Art- Terry Allen
Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season- Jimmy Buffett °
Tu Tranquilo- Kiko Veneno
Turn Of A Friendly Card- Alan Parsons Project
Turning It Into Water- Al Stewart
Tusk- Fleetwood Mac
Tweeter and the Monkey Man- Traveling Wilburys
Twilight Zone- Golden Earring
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey- Paul McCartney
Under A Wine-Stained Moon- Al Stewart
Under African Skies- Paul Simon
Under My Thumb- Rolling Stones
Under Pressure- David Bowie & Queen
Union of the Snake- Duran Duran
Unwell- Matchbox 20
Up Against The Wall Redneck Mother- Ray Wylie Hubbard
Uptown Funk- Mark Ronson feat. Bruno Mars
Used To Could- Mark Knopfler
Valentina Way- Al Stewart
Video Killed The Radio Star- Buggles
Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Volcano- Jimmy Buffett
Wag The Dog- Mark Knopfler
Wagon Wheel- Bob Dylan (Darius Rucker, Keith Secor)
Waitin’ On A Sunny Day- Bruce Springsteen
Wakafrika- Manu Dibango
Walk of Life- Dire Straits
Walk On- U2
Walk the Dinosaur- Was (Not Was)
Walking in Memphis- Marc Cohn
Walking On The Sun- Smash Mouth
Wall of Death- Richard Thompson and Linda Thompson
Walls Came Down- The Call
Waltzing Matilda- Slim Dusty
Warsaw 1943 (I Never Betrayed The Revolution)"- Johnny Clegg and Savuka
Wasn’t That A Party- Irish Rovers
Wasted On The Way- Crosby Stills and Nash
Watching the Wheels- John Lennon
Wayward Wind- Tex Ritter
We Can Fly- Yes
We Shall Be Free- Garth Brooks
We’re Still Here- Douglas Spotted Eagle
Western Days- Tom Gill
What Have I Done To Deserve This- Pet Shop Boys and Dusty Springfield
What It Is- Mark Knopfler
Whatever way The Wind Blows- Kelly Willis
When Love Comes To Town- B.B. King and U2
When The Coast Is Clear- Jimmy Buffett
When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky- Bob Dylan
When The System Has Fallen – Savuka
When We Both Say Goodbye- Elton John & Catherine Britt
When You Need A Train It Never Comes- Amanda Shires
Where Are They Now- Al Stewart
Where Have All The Flowers Gone- Pete Seeger
Where The Streets Have No Name- U2
Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning- Alan Jackson
Wherever I Go- Mark Knopfler with Ruth Moody
White Dawn- Alan Parsons
White Flag- Dido
Who Knows Where The Time Goes- Richard Thompson
Why Aye Man- Mark Knopfler
Why Don’t We Get Drunk- Jimmy Buffett
Wide Open Spaces- Susan Gibson (Dixie Chicks)
Wildest Dreams- Moody Blues
Will the Circle Be Unbroken- Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Winding Me Up- Alan Parsons Project
Windy Days, Dusty Skies- Carr/Munde
Wine From The Water- Alan Parsons
Winter Wonderland- Eurythmics
Woke Up This Morning- Alabama 3
Wrack My Brain- Ringo Starr
Year of the Cat- Al Stewart
Yellow Submarine- Beatles
Yo! Bum Rush The Show- Public Enemy
You Can Call Me Al- Paul Simon
You Can’t Always Get What You Want- Rolling Stones
You Don’t Even Know Me- Al Stewart
You Lie Down With Dogs- Alan Parsons Project
You Never Can Tell- Emmylou Harris
You Oughta Know- Alanis Morrissette
You Were Meant For Me- Jewel
Young Man’s Town- Vince Gill
Your Latest Trick- Dire Straits
Your Life Is Now-John Mellencamp